Uncaptive Agency: The Future of Insurance

EP 24 | Giving Back to Selflessly to You Community with Nicholas Ayers

Tony Caldwell Season 1 Episode 24

Join me as I discuss the power of giving back selflessly to your community with Nicholas Ayers, Chief Marketing Officer at Better Agency.

Nicholas believes in the abundance mindset, and how sharing with peers can only make everyone stronger. In 2013, he pioneered Insurance Agency Owners Alliance (IAOA), an advocacy group for independent insurance agency owners. IAOA is built on three pillars: selflessness, innovation, and collaboration. They want to selflessly share, innovate, advocate and collaborate together to create the best agencies that they possibly can.

Better Agency was created to simplify the daily work of insurance agents and support them in areas they are not naturally strong in. Better Agency combines automation and integrations to create workflows, pipelines, and campaigns that remove the technological friction and allow agents and brokers to do what they do best.

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